Sims Stories For Sims Fans


Chapter 1.2 – Beginning a New Life

Breathing in the fresh air as Edward arrives on the shores of Willow Creek, his new home. Edward never knew his life would end up like this, on the other side of the world, or at least end up starting from scratch with no help from his family. He had mixed emotions about his new life, he was sad to have left his home behind, the old life that he knew, but he knew that his future was far brighter starting on this new journey.

His first night in Willow Creek, wasn’t what he expected, he had built up this excitement of this new life he would have, but it was far from it from the start. Work had to be done, but luckily Edward was not afraid of hard work.

Very quickly, Edward got to work and managed to muster up a little campsite on the open plot he had purchased. He spent all his savings to purchase this plot, and so was left with nothing. Once he saw how huge the land was he felt very overwhelmed and started having doubts and feelings of being in over his head. But he just reminded himself about his vision of having a huge house and growing a family, and that was all the motivation he needed.

Some time went by and he fell into the motions of things quite nicely, he had a place to sleep and food to eat and went out into the world to gather resources almost everyday. He had already started making some friends, one of them being a notable local, Bella Goth, and the Goth family.

He started looking at growing his woodworking skills, as very soon he was planning on building a little house, to finally make a proper claim to the land, and to have something to show for it.

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