Sims Stories For Sims Fans


Chapter 1.3 – Tough Time’s

Tough Times in the woods

Time’s were tough for poor Edward, but he was still pushing on, motivating himself of his dream and making his life his own. Almost every day he was running out into the surrounding area to gather resources for his camp and also building supplies for his future house that he was planning on constructing.

Tough Times gathering

He was also out looking for collectables along his travels for him to sell for cash, as he had not found a stable way to make money yet. At this stage in his life, anything that he could sell for money, he would.

Tough Times Fishing

When it came to food it was tough, as he had to forage for any food he could find. Luckily, there were a few fruit trees nearby for him to gather and eat from, at least sating his hunger, which was sustainable for a while. But he needed to find other sources of vitamins and protein. Right next to the plot was a river, perfect for fishing. Back on the farm, he learnt how to fish, which he loved doing as a pass time and was a childhood hobby of his. And so he had to revisit his old hobby and now turn his hobby into a much-needed skill for survival.

Tough Times Camp

As hard as things have been, Edward was doing pretty well. He had food to eat, a place to sleep and fire to keep him warm, as the colder seasons were approaching. He managed pretty well living this rustic lifestyle. Those days living on the farm definitely taught him well to deal with everything and to get down and dirty. And even though he hated to admit it, those times his father locked him out of the house, forced him to take advantage of nature, which now he is actually benefiting from.

Finally, Edward had started construction on his little cabin…

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